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Insulation For Floors

What is a floating timber floor ?

A floating floor is when flooring is loose laid on top of concrete / insulation and has not been mechanically fixed.

For a solid ground floor with a screed finish, how are  Kooltherm  K3 Floorboard and  Thermafloor TF70  boards laid ?

The insulation boards are loose laid onto the concrete floor with the necessary water and vapour protection such as a damp proof membrane. The board joints should be tight butted, staggered and laid to a break bond pattern. Before the screed is laid onto the insulation a separating membrane is required. This may be a polythene sheet (not less than 125microns / 500 gauge) or a building paper to BS1521:1972 (1994).

Is perimeter insulation required ?

Yes. A 25mm thickness of insulation should be used to insulate the perimeter of the floor. By insulating the full depth of the screed / screed and slab, cold bridging will be eliminated.

Can Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard and Thermafloor TF70 boards be used with underfloor heating systems ?

Yes, both Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard and Kingspan Thermafloor TF70 can be used in conjunction with under floor heating systems. We would always recommend further advice is sought from the underfloor heating manufacturer.

Can Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard and Thermafloor TF70 be laid below a concrete slab ?

Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard and Kingspan Thermafloor TF70 can be laid below a concrete slab providing there is an appropriate damp proof membrane (DPM) (minimum 300 micron / 1200 gauge polythene). The DPM would need to have been laid over a well compacted hardcore, sand blinded with the joints well lapped and folded.

Installation advice

Solid Concrete Floor

  • Insulation must be laid above Damp Proof Membrane. Minimum 1200 gauge.
  • Damp Proof Membrane must lap over Damp Proof Course.
  • Insulation should be loose laid, break-bonded and tightly butted.
  • A 25mm insulation perimeter strip should be used at floor edge upstands.
  • A separation layer (polythene or builders paper) should be used between the insulation and the floor finish.

Suspended Timber Floor

  • If cutting and fitting between floor joists or timbers - this should be a snug fit. Insulation can be placed on supporting battens between timbers. Gaps should be filled with expanding urethane foam.
  • Boards should be protected from foot traffic whilst installation takes place.
  • Boards are not suitable for installation directly over timber joists

Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard Insulation

Kingspan Thermafloor TF70  Floor Insulation

Alternative Flooring Insulation Products

Celotex GA4000   50 - 100mm    

Celotex XR4000   120 - 200mm  

Celotex TB4000  12 - 45mm

Ecotherm Eco Versal  25 - 200mm    

Eurothane GP  25 - 150mm  

Dow Floormate A 50 - 200mm

Kay Metzeler Flooring   20mm - 300mm     

Kay Metzeler InsulFloor-Grid     20mm -300mm

Knauf Earthwool Acoustic Floor Roll    25mm   ( 10mt x 1200mm )

Knauf Earthwool Acoustic Floor Slab/Plus   25mm  - 50mm   ( 900mm x 600mm )

Knauf Earthwool Thermal Floor Slab/Plus   25mm - 100mm     ( 900mm x 600mm )

Knauf Polyfoam ECO Floorboard Standard/Extra    25mm - 75mm    ( 2500mm x 600mm )

Knauf Polyfoam ECO Floorboard Super    50mm - 100mm      ( 1250mm x 600mm )

Rockwool Flexi  30mm - 200mm     

Rockwool Rockfloor  25mm - 150mm

Superglass Multi acoustic Roll  60 - 150mm  Superglass Multi Purpose Acoustic Slab  50 - 100mm

QUINN-therm QF   20mm - 200mm  

EPS 70 Polystyrene Insulation Board   25mm - 150mm


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Insulation For Walls

Can Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Cavity Board and Kingspan Thermawall TW50 be used in a full fill cavity wall ?

Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Cavity Board and Kingspan Thermawall TW50 are partial-fill cavity wall insulation materials. They require a clear cavity to avoid moisture penetrating into the board joints and through to the inner leaf of the wall by capillary action.

A 25 mm residual cavity width maybe suitable for building heights up to 12 metres, however the Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Cavity Board and Kingspan Thermawall TW50 must be installed in accordance with BBA certificate number 94/2992 and 94/3047 respectively. In addition where housing warranty providers (e.g. NHBC, Zurich) are involved, the residual cavity typically needs to be minimum 50 mm residual.

Can Kingspan  Kooltherm K8  Cavity  board  and  Kingspan Thermawall  TW50  be used below DPC?

Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Cavity Board and Kingspan Thermawall TW50 can be taken below D.P.C. provided that they are at or above ground level and are clear of any weak mix cavity fill.

Are electrical cables affected when used next to rigid phenolic or rigid urethane insulation ?

Electrical cables remain unaffected when positioned next to phenolic and urethane insulation. The PVC sheathing protecting the electrical cables does not react when situated next to foil/glass tissue facing on the insulation, as it is non-deleterious.

Is it possible to apply the Kingspan Kooltherm K17 Insulated Plasterboard onto an adhesive dab system to the inside face of the solid 9 inch brick wall ?

Solid brick walls can be penetrated by rain, depending on exposure and type and condition of the bricks and mortar. It is with this in mind that we would not recommend the use of an adhesive dab system but instead that Kingspan Kooltherm K18 Insulated Plasterboard are applied to either a timber batten or metal furring system in order to create a cavity between the boards and the brickwork skin.

When using Kingspan Kooltherm K18 Insulated Plasterboard do I need a separate vapour control barrier ?

No. Kingspan Kooltherm K18 Insulated Plasterboard contains an integral vapour control barrier.

At window and door reveals what cavity product would you recommend ?

Kingspan Thermabate can be used to close off window and doors openings.

What thickness of Insulation would you recommend at window reveals in a domestic refurbishment ?

In a domestic refurbishment project where it is not possible to use the same thickness as on the main wall sections, we would recommend 37.5mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 or K18 Insulated Plasterboard to avoid cold bridging.

What fixings would you recommend for fixing Kingspan Kooltherm K18 Insulated Plasterboard onto timber battens ?

Galvaniased clout nails or dry wall screws, which are long enough to allow a minimum 25mm penetration of the timber, should be placed at 150mm centres and not less than 10mm from the edges of the board.

Can I use a skim finish plaster onto insulated plasterboards ?

Yes, the tapered edge plasterboard allows for standard decoration finishes including plaster skim as well as dry-lining techniques.

When installing Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulated plasterboard using plaster dabs do I need any additional fixings ?

We recommend two nailable plugs are inserted per board (after the sealant has hardened) as secondary mechanical fixings, normally located at mid point within the tapered edges so that they are concealed when the system is finished.

How do you install insulation in between timber frames ?

Insulation boards can be cut with a fine tooth saw to provide a tight fit between the timber frames. To restrain the boards temporarily within a timber frame supporting battens can be used with or without large headed clout nails. Any gaps should be sealed using an expanded urethane sealant.

Should I fill any gaps between insulation and the timber frame ?

We recommend fitting insulation between the timber frame as air tight possible. Any gaps should then be filled with an expanding urethane sealant or flexible mastic sealant.

Kingspan Kooltherm K8

Cavity Wall Board

Kingspan Thermawall TW50

Partial Fill Cavity Wall Insulation

Kingspan Kooltherm K17

Insulated Plasterboard for dab / adhesive bonding

Kingspan Kooltherm K18

Insulated Plasterboard for mechanical fixing

Alternative Cavity wall Insulation Products

Celotex CW4000  40mm - 75mm   Celotex CG5000  40mm - 75mm

ECO Therm Eco-Cavity   25mm - 60mm      Recticell Eurowall Cavity  25mm - 100mm

Knauf Insulation Earthwool Timber Frame Party wall Slab  50mm - 100mm

Knauf Insulation Earthwool Dritherm Cavity Slab 32/34/37  50mm - 150mm

Knauf Insulation Earthwool Factory Clad Rolls   80mm - 220mm

Knauf Insulation Timber Frame Party Slab

Knauf Insulation Masonary Party Wall Slab

Rockwool Cavity  50 - 100mm   QUINN-therm QW   QUINN-therm QL  25mm - 70mm

Superglass Superwall 32/34/36 Cavity Wall Slab     75mm - 150mm

Superglass Superwall Roll 36   75mm - 100mm


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Thermabate Cavity Closers

30 mt packs ( 10 x 3 mt lengths)

Insulation For Pitched Roofs

What is a warm roof ?

A warm roof is where the insulation is located above or above and between timber rafters.

What is a cold roof ?

A cold pitched roof is where the insulation is placed either between the rafters only or at ceiling joist level. A cold roof may be ventilated or non-ventilated.

What is Nilvent and when do you use it ?

Kingspan nilvent is a breathable membrane which is generally used for a pitched roof construction. The breathable membrane allows the construction to breathe allowing any moisture vapour to escape as well as providing a waterproof barrier

When using sarking felt , do I need to ventilate the roof ?

Yes, when sarking felt is used as the waterproofing layer on a pitched roof, you would need to ventilate the roof. You would need a 50mm ventilated air space between the insulation (installed between the rafters) and the top of the timber rafters.

Does Kingspan Kooltherm K18 insulated Plasterboard have an integral vapour layer ?

Yes, Kingspan Kooltherm K18 Insulated Plasterboard has an integral vapour control barrier as part of the product.

How do I fit insulation between rafters ?

Kingspan would recommend fitting the insulation flush between the timber rafters to form a tight fit. Any gaps should then be filled with an expanding urethane sealant or flexible mastic. Please see step by step guide.

  • Measure the space between the rafters before cutting the boards as spacings vary
  • Cut an insulation board such as Kingspan Kooltherm K7 Pitched Roof Board to size using a sharp knife or fine toothed saw.
  • Install the correct thickness of insulation in such a manner that it is flush with the bottom of the rafters but does not fill the rafter depth.
  • In all cases ensure that insulation boards between rafters are fitted tightly.
  • Fill any gaps with expanding urethane sealant.
  • Measure up before cutting the boards
  • Cut the insulated plasterboard such as Kingspan Kooltherm K18 Insulated Plasterboard Board to size using a sharp knife or fine toothed saw.
  • Where board dimensions allow, fix the boards at right angles to the underside of the rafters.
  • Boards should be fixed with dry-wall timber screws, long enough to allow 25 mm penetration of the timber. These should be placed at 150 mm centres and not less than 10 mm from the edges of the board along all supporting edges.

Kingspan Kooltherm K7  Pitched Roof Board

Rafter level insulation for tiled or slated pitched warm roof spaces

Kingspan Thermapitch TP10 / TW55 / TF70

Insulation for tiled or slated pitched warm roof spaces

Alternative Roof Insulation Boards & Rolls

Celotex GA4000  50 - 100mm        

Celotex XR4000  110 - 200mm    

Celotex FR5000    25 - 150mm

Celotex TB4000  12  - 45mm           

Celotex GD5000   25 - 60mm       

Celotex GS5000    25 - 60mm

Celotex EL3000   50  - 100mm        

Celotex TC3000   50 - 150mm      

Celotex TA4000   50 - 140mm

Eco Therm Eco- Versal  25mm - 150mm       Recticell Eurothane GP     25mm - 150mm

Knauf insulation Earthwool Flexible Slab   50mm - 140mm

Knauf Insulation Earthwool Rafter Roll   50mm - 200mm

Superglass Timber  & Rafter Batt 32   75mm - 100mm    

Superglass Timber & Rafter Roll 32 - 44

Dow Roofmate SL-A    100mm - 200mm        Dow XENERGY  100mm - 200mm



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